With the At hand application you will always be able to find information about local Companies even without the Internet access. Moreover, when you will desire to get out with your friends or family, it is enough if you switch to Events section and choose the right enjoyment just for you. And lastly, but not lately, there is not missing Porch section, that associates the rest of information. Share our application to your friends, so that they can have all the information At hand too.What is new in version 1.0:- Availability of companies’ contact without Internet connection necessity - Faster navigation function (Click on the phone – application will start the call, etc.)- Simple companies’ division according to branch of business- Fast and easy searchWhat do are we preparing for version 1.1:- Contacts sharing- Information At hand (Porch)- Cultural and social events overviewApplication is created for Rokycanský-Servis.cz and affiliated portals.